University of Iowa – Lot 73 Surface Restoration

LOCATION: University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
CLIENT: University of Iowa
Since the University of Iowa was constructing a new parking ramp in surface Lot 43, north of Kinnick Stadium, the underlying existing parking stalls, which are vital for home football game tailgating and for University staff permit holder parking, needed to be relocated for the 2023 football season and academic school year. Anderson Bogert designed an addition to existing Lot 73, off Finkbine Commuter Drive and Melrose Avenue in Iowa City. The HMA paving addition added 250 parking stalls, taking the total from 158 to 408 stalls. Due to construction in the vicinity of Kinnick Stadium, RV stalls in Lot 33 and 40/44 area needed relocation. This project added 53 RV parking stalls in Lot 73 for football tailgating.
Other key parts of the project included: a new driveway on the northwest corner of the lot for improved traffic flow, ADA accessible sidewalk ramps to cross the new driveway, additional lighting to meet University standards, and two bioretention cells and a detention basin to mitigate and treat stormwater. Anderson Bogert was assisted by Shive-Hattery on the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP), and Pirc-Tobin Construction, Inc. completed construction just in time for football tailgating season.
The project survey notice-to-proceed was given on 4/21/2023, bid documents were completed by 6/16/2023, the project was bid on 7/11/2023, and construction was substantially complete before the first football game on 9/2/2023.