Kirkwood Main Campus Entrance

Project Description: Anderson Bogert provided complete design and construction administration services for improvements to Kirkwood Community College’s main entrance off of Kirkwood Boulevard SW in Cedar Rapids. Improvements included construction of a roundabout intersection with Training Road, addition of a left turn lane for outbound traffic and related traffic signal modifications, pavement patching and overlays, parking lot access modifications, drainage, lighting, landscaping, pedestrian accommodations and warning devices, and other related sign and utility relocations.
Kirkwood Community College has experienced significant enrollment growth over the last decade, which corresponds with increased traffic volumes and congestion. Various alternatives were evaluated, including installation of a traffic signal, 2-way and 4-way stop conditions, and a roundabout. The roundabout alternative was selected based on safety, traffic characteristics, potential to reduce the traffic queue back to the City street system, and the anticipation to be more economically sustainable in the future. The outbound left turn lane was required based on the increased left and through movement volumes due to an expansion of student housing on 66th Avenue west of Kirkwood Boulevard. Parking lot access modifications were necessary to avoid operational conflicts with either the roundabout or the left turn lane traffic. The existing pavement in the area showed signs of deterioration, so patching and an HMA overlay were provided while the roadway was closed for construction. Pedestrian facilities included relocation of existing segments required to accommodate the roadway improvements. Landscaping was added, since this is one of the main gateways onto the campus.
The roundabout has been a well-received improvement on campus. Prior to the start of classes, students were emailed a link to an on-line video illustrating how to maneuver through a roundabout.
In addition, Anderson Bogert designed a pedestrian walkway connecting Kirkwood Boulevard and the Linn Hall parking lot, including a pedestrian roundabout with stamped/colored concrete, grading, removal of HMA curb, storm sewer, and restoration.