Industrial Avenue Reconstruction

Project Description: Anderson Bogert worked within an aggressive schedule for the Industrial Avenue Reconstruction project in Hiawatha. This project involved State RISE (Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy) funding with a June 2016 construction completion deadline. Our design contract was approved in April 2015 with final plans completed in July. Bids were received in August and the contractor started work in September. Work was completed in May 2016 (ahead of schedule). This project involved full roadway reconstruction and widening (from 25’ to 31’) of Industrial Avenue from north of Boyson Road to approximately 1300’ to the north and involved phased construction to maintain access to local businesses. This project provided access to a new industrial development expansion, drainage improvements, multiple utility relocations, improvements for truck turning movements, parking lot modifications, sidewalks, and easements. The total project costs were approximately $800,000. Services included survey, design, easement plats and coordination, plan preparation with submittals to the Iowa DOT, bid phase, and construction administration and observation duties.