Cedar River Trail Extension, Phases 1–3

Project Description: Anderson Bogert provided engineering design and alignment study on three phases of the Cedar River Trail Extension.
Phase I: A three-quarter-mile section of trail from McCloud Place to 42nd Street NE. This project included a significant amount or retaining wall due to the slopes of the existing ground and the proximity to the I-380 off ramps and the McCloud Run stream. Special care was needed as McCloud Run Creek is Iowa’s only urban trout stream.
Phase II: A one-mile section of trail from McCloud Place to Sylvia Avenue. This project was partially funded by the IDOT and went to IDOT bid letting. The trail included a trail bridge and a crossing under Highway 100 on the bridge slope protection. The design included the use of a soil nail wall to protect the existing slope from failure. This project won the Iowa Engineering Society Award for Engineering Excellence in 2004.
Phase III: A half-mile section of trail from Sylvia Ave. to Blairs Ferry Road. This project was partially funded by the IDOT and went to IDOT letting. This project included a grade separation crossing of a railway with a trail bridge. This project had severe slopes which required significant walls and filling. This project also required close coordination with businesses along the alignment to maintain access during construction.