1st avenue East from 27th Street to 40th Street

Project Description: 1st Avenue East, from 27th Street to 40th Street, is a commercial corridor and major transportation arterial between downtown and residential areas of Cedar Rapids and surrounding communities. The pavement and several of the underground utilities along this portion of 1st Avenue East have surpassed their useful life and must be replaced or significantly reconstructed.
In 2011, the City of Cedar Rapids conducted a public involvement process to identify the issues and concerns that are important to neighborhoods and businesses in and around the project boundaries. Based on this public feedback, a project concept was developed. The concept improvements primarily involve a street rehabilitation. Improvements will include pavement repair, curbs, sidewalks, trail, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main repair. Additionally, intersection adjustments and streetscape alternatives will be considered. These are similar to improvements that have taken place along other sections of 1st Avenue in recent years.
The final design was completed in 2014. The project involved multiple funding sources and a complex phasing plan.