University of Iowa Parking Lots and Ramps, 2018 Surface Parking Lot Maintenance

LOCATION: Iowa City, University of Iowa Campus
CLIENT: University of Iowa SUMMARY: The University of Iowa Department of Parking and Transportation administers and operates 16,000 parking spaces in more than 100 on-campus parking lots and structures. These include approximately 68 surface parking lots with over 300,000 square yards of pavement. The Parking and Transportation Department’s goal is for their parking lots to be safe and functional, while looking aesthetically pleasing. These parking lots serve many purposes, including, but not limited to: student parking, faculty/staff parking, general public parking, gameday parking for Hawkeye sports, and hospital patient/visitor parking. Most campus parking lots are designated as multi-use, serving routine daily access needs, as well as special events on nights and weekends. Once their parking lots are constructed, maintenance becomes a major ongoing emphasis in the University’s capital improvement program. Anderson Bogert provided professional services to the University of Iowa for their 2018 Surface Parking Lot Maintenance project, which included planning for preventative maintenance for the following lots on campus:
Improvements included partial depth concrete patching, full depth concrete patching, concrete crack sealing, curb replacement, asphalt patching, asphalt crack sealing, asphalt seal coat, and various removals. Anderson Bogert provided design services from construction documents through the record documents phase for two separate sets of bid documents. One of the keys to success for the pavement maintenance project was the phasing plan. The overriding goal for this plan was to minimize the time that the parking lots were closed and to precisely specify the timing of when they could be closed. Anderson Bogert worked closely with the University Parking and Transportation Department to schedule when parking lots could be closed and how many stalls could be closed at a time. This included scheduling some parking lots for weekend work only and scheduling work on other parking lots to avoid special events. |