Muscatine Municipal Airport, Airport Layout Plan Update

LOCATION: Muscatine Municipal Airport
CLIENT: City of Muscatine SUMMARY: Anderson Bogert has had the privilege of providing planning services to the City of Muscatine for the Muscatine Municipal Airport (MUT) since 1991. We provided comprehensive updates to the airport’s Airport Layout Plan (ALP) in 1993 and 2002, along with several minor updates after each improvement project. Anderson Bogert’s team is extremely proud of the relationship we have been able to maintain over the years with the City of Muscatine and the Muscatine Municipal Airport and are honored to have been able to assist them with so many improvement projects. The last time the Muscatine Municipal Airport Layout Plan (ALP) was completely updated was seventeen years ago. The FAA and Iowa DOT typically recommend ALPs be updated every eight to ten years. The ALP is a graphic representation of existing and future facilities at the Muscatine Municipal Airport. The plan covers a 20-year planning period. This project included the update of all sixteen sheets of the ALP drawing set and the creation of an extensive accompanying narrative report. In addition, the project scope included aerial imagery acquisition, ground survey (to check runway ends, profile, length, width, and threshold location), planimetric mapping, and FAA AGIS project documentation. The narrative report, which provides supporting documentation and justification to the ALP drawings, provided an assessment of the general aviation needs of the airport’s service area. The goal of the report was to determine how to best accommodate these needs in a responsible manner to the surrounding environment and to local citizens. The report provided analysis and recommendations from which local authorities may take action to continue improvements to the airport operations. In summary, this update gives the City a more complete picture of development needs and priorities at the airport and helps to provide a long-term comprehensive planning strategy. |